The Illinois Professionals Health Program (IPHP) is a statewide program providing support, accountability, and earned advocacy for healthcare professionals throughout Illinois.
We provide confidential consultation, support, and monitoring/case management services to Illinois healthcare professionals facing health and wellbeing concerns.
The IPHP is recognized by the Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) as the approved physician health program for Illinois, and by the National Organization of Alternative Programs (NOAP) as the alternative to discipline program for Illinois.
Reach Out Today
Mission Statement
The mission of the IPHP is to support and guide Illinois healthcare professionals to wellness and healing, thereby promoting safe professional practice and enriching the lives of healers and their patients.
Who We Serve
IPHP serves
Pharmacy Technicians
And Others
We assist healthcare professionals facing
Substance Use Disorders
Mental and Behavioral Health Problems
Disruptive Behavior/Professionalism
Stress and Burnout
Cognitive Issues
Boundary Violations
Physical Illness
Anonymous Inquiries
Intervention Services
Case Management
Compliance Documentation
Who Can Contact Us?
Any healthcare or other professional
Healthcare Administrators
Wellness Committees
Human Resource personnel
Employee Assistance Professionals (EAPs)
Managers or Supervisors
Others concerned about work performance issues
Concerned colleagues
Family members of professionals
Clinicians treating professionals
Program Goals
The IPHP promotes the health and wellbeing of Illinois healthcare professionals of all disciplines. We address any and all physical, mental, emotional, and/or behavioral problems that may adversely affect client’s private or professional lives.
We provide screening and referral
to resources who are familiar with the specialized needs of licensed healthcare professionals, and who have expertise in the area being addressed
Support and monitoring
of professionals so that they may be able to sustain meaningful life changes for the sake of their health and to maintain the trust and confidence of those whom they serve.
Consultation and guidance
to people concerned about the health and functioning of a healthcare professional residing or practicing in Illinois.
And we insure accountability
through documentation of compliance with recommended treatment and/or behavioral plans for professionals who need advocacy with various regulatory or administrative agencies.